National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

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Proceedings “Molecular & Applied Genetics”

Editorial staff contact details:
27 Akademicheskaya St., Room 131
Minsk 220072, the Republic of Belarus
Person in charge: Elena M. Grishkova
Tel: +375 17 378 34 11

Сборник выходит два раза в год (осень-зима и весна).
Перед подачей статьи обязательно свяжитесь с редакцией для уточнения информации по количеству свободных мест и срокам выхода актуального тома. Публикации принимаются только по предварительной записи.

Article submission guidelines and supporting documentation templates for publication in the Proceedings “Molecular & Applied Genetics”:

Article submission guidelines. Manuscripts that do not meet the requirements shall be returned for revision or rejected.
Cover letter
Author credentials
Expert Examination Act

The Proceedings have been published since 2005. Published twice a year (autumn-winter and spring). Articles are accepted in Russian, English and Belarusian.

The Proceedings publish review and experimental articles in the field of molecular and applied genetics of plants, microorganisms, animals and a human reflecting the studies on genetic processes at the molecular, cellular, organism and population levels. Particular attention is paid to the most pressing problems of genomics, genetic and cell engineering. The study results on the genetic foundations of plant, animal and microorganism breeding; the development of effective biotechnology for agriculture, health care, environmental protection and biosafety are published.

The Proceedings are destined for the specialists working in the field of genetics, teachers, PhD students and the students of higher education institutions of biological, agricultural and medical profiles.

The Proceedings are included in the List of Scientific Publications recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission for publishing dissertation results (for biological, medical (medical and biological aspects) and agricultural sciences).

The Proceedings are included in the database of the electronic scientific eLibrary and are indexed in the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI). The Proceedings are posted in the electronic libraries CyberLeninka and IPR SMART.


The State Scientific Institution “Institute of Genetics and Cytology of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus”

Publication fee:

The publication in the Proceedings is free of charge for its authors. The editorial board does not charge authors for the preparation, placement and publication of materials.

Borrowings and plagiarism:

When reviewing an article, the editorial board of the Proceedings “Molecular and Applied Genetics” may check materials using the Antiplagiat system. Where plagiarism is detected, the article shall not be accepted to be further considered for publication.


All articles submitted to the editorial board undergo blind review. A decision on publication is made by the editorial board following the review, taking into account the scientific significance and relevance of the materials submitted.

Республика Беларусь, г. Минск, ул. Академическая 27
индекс 220072

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