National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

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The National Coordination Biosafety Centre (NCBC) was established in 1998 pursuant to the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus No. 963 to ensure the productive participation in addressing the global challenges related to the conservation of biological diversity and the coordination of activitivies associated with the safe application of modern biotechnology advancements in the framework of the UN Convention on Biological Diversity and the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety.

The Centre was established upon the initiative of Academicians — Nikolai A. Kartel and Luibov V. Khotyleva. It was first under the direction of A.P. Ermishin, PhD in Biology, Associate Professor. Then Professor S.E. Dromashko, PhD in Biology, was Head of the NCBC. Since 2016, the NCBC has been under the direction of Associate Professor G.V. Mozgova, PhD in Biology, an international expert on biosafety issues for the Convention on Biological Diversity and the regional advisor for the Biosafety Clearing-House.

The NCBC is the National Focal Point for the Clearing-House for the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety and the GM Foods Platform of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).

Laboratory members:

6 staff members, including 5 research scientists and one translator.

Main directions of scientific activity:

  • Collection, analysis and systematization of information on the legislation of the Republic of Belarus and scientific research on biosafety issues; the assessment of risks of possible adverse effects of Genetically Engineered Organisms (GEO) on human health; GE objects testing; GEO import into/export from the Republic of Belarus and transit through its territory; GEO use for economic purposes in the Republic of Belarus and the products based on them; information on biosafety issues coming from international information systems and information networks in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Belarus and the international treaties of the Republic of Belarus;
  • Providing information on biosafety related issues to legal entities and individuals;
  • Information exchange with the Coordination Biosafety Centres of other countries, international organizations;
  • Organizing scientific GEO biosafety examination and the products based on them intended for use in the territory of the Republic of Belarus;
  • Providing consulting services to ministries and other republican bodies of the state administration pertaining to the development of draft legislative acts related to the import/export and the safe use of GEO and the products based on them; guidelines on the assessment and prevention of risks to the environment and human health; safety regulations for Genetic Engineering Laboratories;
  • Providing advisory services to ministries and other republican bodies of the state administration pertaining to the formulation of proposals for concluding bilateral and regional agreements, the development of international biosafety agreements;
  • Producing the national databank on biosafety and maintaining the operation of biosafety website:  

Main directions of scientific activity:

  • The National Coordination Biosafety Centre (NCBC) was established in 1998 pursuant to the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus No. 963 to ensure the productive participation in addressing the global challenges related to the conservation of biological diversity and the coordination of activities associated with the safe application of modern biotechnology advancements in the framework of the UN Convention on Biological Diversity and the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety.
  • The Centre was established upon the initiative of Academicians Nikolai A. Kartel and Luibov V. Khotyleva. It was first under the direction of A.P. Ermishin, PhD in Biology, Associate Professor. Then Professor S.E. Dromashko, PhD in Biology, was Head of the NCBC. Since 2016, the NCBC has been under the direction of the Associate Professor G.V. Mozgova, PhD in Biology, an international expert on biosafety issues for the Convention on Biological Diversity and the regional advisor for the Biosafety Clearing-House (BCH).
  • The NCBC is the National Focal Point for the Clearing-House for the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety and the GM Foods Platform of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).

Main results:

The NCBC implements all its functions in accordance with the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus No. 963, including the collection, analysis and systematization of information in the field of safety in genetic engineering activity. It provides the uninterrupted maintenance of information resources: the Databank on Genetically Engineered Organisms (Registration Certificate No. 1341918413 of May 16, 2019, issued by the Scientific and Engineering Republican Unitary Enterprise “Institute of Applied Software Systems” of the Ministry of Communications and Informatization of the Republic of Belarus); and the website of the National Coordination Biosafety Centre (Registration Certificate No. 1341918198 of May 4, 2019, issued by the Scientific and Engineering Republican Unitary Enterprise “Institute of Applied Software Systems” of the Ministry of Communications and Informatization of the Republic of Belarus); and provides analytical information in the field of biological safety to state administration authorities, legal entities and individuals.

The NCBC took part in the development of draft legislative acts, including the Law of the Republic of Belarus “On Safety in Genetic Engineering Activity” of January 4, 2022, No. 145-3, as well as bylaws to the Law; the Concept of the National System for Ensuring Biological Safety approved by the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of March 22, 2022, No. 161; a number of other resolutions in the field of biosafety and state standards in the field GMO detection.

The NCBC took part in the development of the Instruction for Use “A Procedure for Carrying Out the Risk Assessment of Possible Adverse Effects of Genetically Engineered Organisms on Human Health” approved by the Deputy Minister, the Chief Public Sanitary Doctor of the Republic of Belarus of August 25, 2006, the Registration No. 076-0806; the Methodological Guidelines “Risk Assessment of GMO Effects on the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biological Diversity with Due Regard to the Risks to Human Health” approved by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Belarus of October 22, 2014; The Instruction for Carrying Out the Production Control in the Field of Safety in Genetic Engineering Activity of February 1, 2024, No. I-61-24 etc.

 The NCBC provides services in molecular genetic testing for the screening and quantification of GMO and GM lines in food raw materials, foodstuffs, agricultural products, feedstuffs and seed material; establishing the species affiliation in meat and plant ingredients using express PCR; as well as establishing the mass fraction of moisture, protein, fat and fiber in legume seeds, soybeans and the products of their processing using near-infrared spectroscopy. Accredited by the State Enterprise “Belarusian State Accreditation Centre” in the framework of the Republican Centre for Genomic Biotechnology for conformity with GOST ISO/IEC 17025-2019. The Accreditation Certificate No. BY/112 1.1599 of December 7, 2009.

The NCBC has implemented a number of Scientific and Technical Assistance Projects:

Scientific and Technical Assistance Projects
No. Years of Implementation Scientific and Technical Assistance Project Title
1 2011 Support for Preparation of the Second National Reports on Biosafety to the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety — North Africa (NA), Asia (A), Central and Eastern Europe (CEE), UNEP-GEF
2 2013 – 2014 Global Support for the Ratification and Entry into Force of the Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit-Sharing (2013-2014), UNEP-GEF
3 2013 Holding the International Workshop of the Central European Initiative (CEI) “Exchanging Experience in the Field of Public Enlightenment and Awareness Raising of Biosafety Issues”
4 2015-2016 Support to Preparation of the Third National Biosafety Reports to the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety – Latin America, Caribbean and Central and Eastern Europe Regions, UNEP-GEF
5 2016 Capacity-Building to Promote the Integrated Implementation of the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety and the Convention on Biological Diversity at the National Level, the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity
7 2018-2019 The UNEP-GEF Project for Sustainable Capacity Building for Effective Participation in the Biosafety Clearing-House
8 2019 Holding the Roundtable Event “Enhancing the CEE Collaboration and Know-how Transfer in Biotechnology and Biosecurity”, CEI
9 2021 Support to Preparation of the Fourth National Biosafety Reports to the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety — Asia-Pacific, GRULAC, Central and Eastern Europe Regions, UNEP-GEF
10 2023-2024 “Enhancing Collaboration Between the CEE and Central Asia’s Centres of Excellence to Address the Key Drivers of Biodiversity Loss and Maintain Human, Crop and Livestock Health.” BioBridge Project, CBD Secretariat

Publications (for the last 5 years)

Strengthening Synergies for Transformative Change: Implementing the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework Through Existing Biodiversity Agreements / International Environmental Law-making and Diplomacy Review 2021 // Tessnow-von Wysocki I., Agapakis I., Anand A., Kamara G., Mozgova G., Niikkonen K., Jesus Ovalle M., Sirakaya A.; eds: Dr., Prof. Honkonen T. — Joensuu, Finland. Law School, University of Eastern Finland. 2023. 162 p. ISBN 978-952-61-4735-2.

Biosafety of Genetic Engineering Activity. Detection and Identification of Genetically Engineered Organisms / Mozgova, G.V. [et al.]; under the editorship of Mozgova, G.V., PhD in Biology; Makeyeva, E.N., PhD in Biology, Associate Professor. – Minsk. Pravo & Ekonomika. 2022. 236 p.

Biosafety of Genetic Engineering Activity. Detection and Identification of Genetically Engineered Organisms. Mozgova, G.V. [et al.]; eds: PhD Mozgova, G.V., PhD, Assoc. Prof. Makeyeva, E.N. — Minsk: Pravo & Ekonomika. 2022. 212 p. ISBN 978-985-887-030-0.

The Fourth National Report on the Implementation by the Republic of Belarus of Commitments under the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety. / Моzgova, G.V., Kilchevsky, A.V., Sheiko, R.I. [et al.]; under the editorship of Mozgova, G.V., PhD in Biology; Kilchevsky, A.V., Academician, D.Sc. in Biology, Professor; Sheiko, R.I., Corresponding Member, D.Sc. in Agriculture, Professor ‒ Minsk. Pravo & Ekonomika. 2021. 133 p.  ISBN 978-985-08-2028-0.

The Fourth National Report on the Implementation of the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety in the Republic of Belarus / Mozgova, G.V., Kilchevsky, A.V., Sheiko, R.I. [et al.]; eds.: PhD Mozgova, G.V., Academician, Dr., Prof. Kilchevsky, A.V., Dr., Prof. Sheiko,R.I. – Minsk. Pravo & Economika. 2021. 41 p. ISBN 978-985-552-996-6.

Scientific articles, conference materials:

Up-to-Date Techniques for the Identification of Adulterated Raw Materials and Foodstuff, the Detection of Unauthorized Additives in Feedstuffs / Krivetskaya, А.М., Mozgova, G.V., Drobot, N.I., Ostapchik, V.S., Ostrovskaya, A.N. // Endless Light in Science. No. 4. 2024. P. 26-32. DOI 10.24412/2709-1201-2024-3-5. (Impact Factor: SJIF 2022 — 5.94).

Effective Approaches to GMO Screening in Foodstuff, Feedstuff and Raw Materials / Mozgova, G.V., Ostapchik, V.S., Krivetskaya, A.M., Drobot, N.I., Ostrovskaya, A.N. // Product Quality Control. No. 9. 2023. P. 44-50.

To the Issues on the Detection and Identification of Genetically Modified Rapeseed Lines / N.I. Drobot, G.V. Mozgova, A.M. Krivetskaya, V.S. Ostapchik, A.N. Ostrovskaya // International Scientific and Practical Online-Offline Conference “Biotechnology: Achievements and Perspectives of Development”, Pinsk, Polessky State University, November 30 – December 1, 2023. – P.20-23.

RT-PCR as a tool for GMO biomonitoring / V. Astapchyk, G. Mozgova, N. Drobat, A. Astrouskaya, A. Kryvetskaya // XIII International Scientific Conference for Young Scientists, Graduates, Master and PhD Students “Actual Environmental Problems” // November 30 – December 1, 2023. – P. 171-172.

Technique for the Evaluation of National Safety in Relation to Genetically Engineered Organisms / Mozgova, G.V., Kilchevsky, A.V., Ostrovskaya, A.N., Zheleznova, T.V., Drobot, N.I., Ostapchik, V.S., Krivetskaya, A.M. // Medical & Biological Science News. 2022. Vol. 22, No. 2. P. 118-125.

Identification of Meat Ingredients and the Detection of Adulterants in Foodstuff, Feedstuff and Feed Additives / Ostrovskaya, A.N., Ostapchik, V.S., Drobot, N.I, Krivetskaya, A.M., Mozgova, G.V. // Materials of the 7th Scientific Conference “Contemporary Challenges of Genetics, Genomics and Biotechnology.” 2022. – Tashkent, Uzbekistan. May 18, 2022. P. 301-303.

Detection and Identification of Genetically Modified Rape Lines / Krivetskaya, A.M., Ostapchik, V.S., Ostrovskaya, A.N., Drobot, N.I., Mozgova, G.V. // Materials of the 5th International Scientific Conference Dedicated to the 135th Birth Anniversary of N. I. Vavilov “Genetics and Biotechnology of the 21st Century.” November 21-25, 2022, Minsk, the Republic of Belarus. P.46.

Using Up-to-Date Techniques for the Monitoring and Control of Genetically Engineered Organisms / Mozgova, G.V., Kilchevsky, A.V., Ostrovskaya, A.N., Drobot, N.I., Ostapchik, V.S. // Medical & Biological Science News. 2021. Vol. 21, No. 4. P. 69-75.

Regulation of Safety in Genetically Engineered Activity in the Republic of Belarus / Kilchevsky, A.V., Mozgova, G.., Zheleznova, T.V., Makeyeva, E.N., Sheiko, R.I. // Medical & Biological Science News. 2021. Vol. 21, No. 4. P. 85-92.

Use of Droplet Digital PCR Technology for the Detection and Absolute Quantification of GM Plant Lines / Mozgova, G.V., Ostrovskaya, A.N., Lemesh, V.A., Ostapchik, V.S., Drobot, N.I. // Molecular & Applied Genetics. 2020. Vol. 28. P. 57-68.

DNA Identification of Animal Products for the Detection of Adulterated Foodstuff / Mikhailova, M., Sheiko, P., Lagun, E., Balashenko, N., Mozgova, G., Ostrovskaya, A. // Nauka & Innovatsii: Scientific and Practical Journal. Issue No. 10 (212). 2020. P. 40-45.

Approaches to the Regulation of GMO and Products Containing GM Ingredients / Drobot, N.I., Ostrovskaya, A.N., Ostapchik, V.S., Mozgova, G.V. // Proceedings of the 67th International Scientific Conference of the Eurasian Scientific Association “Prospects of Contemporary Science Modernization.” September 2020. Moscow, Russian Federation. No. 9(67). Biological Sciences. P. 164-167.

Legal Regulation and Methodological Approaches Ensuring the Safe Release into the Environment and the Transboundary Movement of Organisms Obtained Using Genetic Engineering and Genome Editing Techniques / Mozgova, G.V., Zheleznova, T.V., Ostrovskaya, A.N., Drobot, N.I., Ostapchik, V.S. // Materials of the 9th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Ecological and Biological Aspects of the State and Development of Polesia Region.” November 27, 2020. Mozyr, the Republic of Belarus. P. 80-88.


Taking part in Conferences (for the last 5 years).

2020 (online):

  1. June 18. Training provided jointly by the Global Environment Facility and the International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology as Part of the International Technical Assistance Project for Biosafety Clearing-House.
  2. October 19-20. The Regional Workshop for Central and Eastern Europe on Environmental Solutions Related to Adaptation to Climate Change. Organizer: the Ministry of Agriculture, Regional Development and Environment of the Republic of Moldova, the CBD Bio-Bridge Initiative, Environmental Projects Implementation Group.
  3. November 5. The Webinar “Genetic Diversity Indicators for all Species within the Framework of the Convention on Biological Diversity for the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biological Diversity in the Post-2020 Period.” Organizers: G BiKE (Cost Action) Working Group, GEO BON and IUCN.
  4. October 28-29. The Global Forum on Landscape Biodiversity: Food and Livelihoods, Landscape Restoration, Rights, Financing and Measuring Progress. Organizers: CIFOR, UNEP, World Bank. 
  5. November 3-4. The 4th International Scientific Conference “Genetics and Biotechnology of the 21st Century: Problems, Achievements and Prospects”. Organizers: the Institute of Genetics and Cytology, NAS of Belarus; the Belarusian Society of Geneticists and Breeders. 
  6. November 16-17. The Meeting of the Aarhus Convention and Consideration of the Need to Introduce Amendment 6-bis in Relation to GMOs by the Republic of Belarus. Organizer: the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity.
  7. December 1-4. The Meeting of the BCH Advisory Committee. Organizer: the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity.
  8. December 8. The Webinar “The Sharm El-Sheikh to Kunming Action Agenda for Nature and People.” Organizer: the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity.
  9. December 9. The Second Training Webinar on Digital Sequence Information on Genetic Resources. Organizer: the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity.
  10. November 18-19. The Meeting of the Board of Governors of the International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology. Organizer: the International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology.
  11. November 24. The Webinar “Intensive Vertical Farming Systems – Urban Agriculture.” Organizer: the Agricultural Research Organization Volcani Center, Israel.
  12. November 27. The Ninth International Scientific and Practical Conference “Ecological and Biological Aspects of the State and Development of Polesia Region”, Mozyr. Organizers: the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus; the Mozyr State Pedagogical University.


2021 (online):

  1. April 26-27. The Regional Workshop on Proposed Measures for the Conservation of Marine Biodiversity of the Convention on Biological Diversity for Central and Eastern Europe. Organizers: the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity; the International Union for Conservation of Nature, the Regional Office for Eastern Europe and Central Asia.
  2. June 10. PlantEd Webinar: Understanding the Potential Contribution of Genome Editing to the Development of Sustainable Agriculture. Organizer: COST Action/ PlantEd.
  3. January 19. The Informational Webinar of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice (SBSTTA) and the Subsidiary Body for the Implementation (SBI) of the Convention on Biological Diversity. Organizer: the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity.
  4. February 17-19. The Informal Meeting of the Subsidiary Body for the Implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity. Organizer: the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity.
  5. March 8-14. The Informal Meeting of the Subsidiary Body for the Implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity. Organizer: the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity.
  6. May 3 – June 9. The Twenty-fourth Meeting of the SBSTTA of the Convention on Biological Diversity. Organizer: the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity.
  7. October 11-15. The Fifteenth Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (Part I), Kunming, China (online). Organizer: the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity.
  8. March 2-4. Participation of the NCBC in Training within the Framework of the Second National Theoretical and Practical Workshop on the Biosafety Clearing-House (BCH) for Kyrgyzstan and Bosnia and Herzegovina on November 3-6.  Organizers: the United Nations Environment Programme; the Global Environment Facility.
  9. October 6 November 3. The Online Meeting of the Informal Advisory Group on Digital Sequence Information on Genetic Resources Organizer: the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity.


2021 (in-person participation):

  1. November 10. The Training Workshop “Organization of Work and Safety System in the Field of Genetic Engineering Activities” held by  NCBC Head (Minsk, RUE “Belmedpreparaty”).
  2. November 29. The NCBC organized and held a workshop to present the draft Fourth National Biosafety Report to the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety within the Framework of the UNEP-GEF Project (Minsk). 
  3. December 8. The Scientific and Practical Conference “Biosafety of the Republic of Belarus: National Interests, Threats, Strategic Directions for Enforcement and State Assessment” (Minsk). Organizer: the Ministry of Health.



  1. May 15-19. The NCBC participation in Training within the Framework of the Third Workshop for BCH Parties (Bishkek, the Kyrgyz Republic). 
  2. March 19-29. The Fourth SBSTTA Meeting, SBI; the Third Meeting of the Open-Ended Working Group on the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework (online). Organizer: the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity.
  3. June 10-18. Training of Trainers for the Biosafety Clearing-House. BCH III. Dubai, United Arab Emirates. 
  4. September 30 — October 1. Session on the Biosafety Issues of the Union State of the Russian-Belarusian Forum on Security and Cooperation “Frontiers of the Union State.” St. Petersburg, the Russian Federation.
  5. May 23-24. The 2nd Round of Belarusian-Russian Consultations on Biosafety in the Interdepartmental Format. Moscow, the Russian Federation.
  6. June 19-27. The Fouth Meeting of the Open-Ended Working Group for the Preparation of the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework and the Regional CEE Meeting. Nairobi, Kenya.
  7. November 1-3. The Training Conference “Laboratorika 2022”, Minsk. Organizer: ООО “Aleksa Tekhnolodzhis”.
  8. November 22-24. The Fifth International Scientific Conference “Genetics & Biotechnology of the 21st Century: Problems, Achievements and Prospects,” Minsk. Organizer: the Institute of Genetics and Cytology, NAS of Belarus.
  9. December 1-22. The 5th Meeting of the Open-Ended Working Group for the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework (WG2020-5); the 15th Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity; the 10th Meeting of the Conference of the Parties Serving as the Meeting of the Parties to the Cartagena Protocol; the 4th Meeting of the Conference of the Parties Serving as the Meeting of the Parties to the Nagoya Protocol. Montreal, Canada. Organizer: the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity.



  1. November 30. The Training Workshop “Unlocking the Transcriptome: A Journey into RNA Sequencing” (online). Organizer: Novogene (company)
  2. November 30 December 1. The International Scientific and Practical Online-Offline Conference “Biotechnology: Achievements & Prospects of Development”, Pinsk (online). Organizer: Polessky State University. 
  3. March 6-8. The 3rd Workshop for BCH Parties. Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina (online). Organizer: UNEP.
  4. March 14-16. The International Conference on GMO Analysis and New Genomic Techniques. Berlin, Germany (online). Organizer: the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity.
  5. April 19. The Workshop “Development of Differentiated LMO Application Guidelines” under the FAO-GEF Project “Implementation of the National Biosafety Structure in the Kyrgyz Republic in the Framework of the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety.” Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan (online). Organizer: FAO.
  6. May 10-11. The 29th Session of the Board of Governors of the International Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB). Cape Town, South Africa (online). Organizer: the International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology.
  7. May 15-16. The Twelfth Meeting of the Informal Advisory Committee on the Biosafety Clearing-House. Montreal, Canada. Organizer: the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity.
  8. June 14-16. The Meeting of the Informal Advisory Group on Technical and Scientific Cooperation. Montreal, Canada. Organizer: the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity.
  9. October 15-19. The 25th SBSTTA Meeting. Nairobi, Kenya. Organizer: the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity.
  10. October 19-20. Final Sessions of the 15th Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity; the 10th Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity serving as the Meeting of the Parties to the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety; the 4th Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity serving as the Meeting of the Parties to the Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising from Their Utilization. Nairobi, Kenya. Organizer: the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity.
  11. October 30-31. The Global Workshop on LMO Risk Assessment. Montreal, Canada. Organizer: the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity.
  12. November 1-3. The Meeting of the Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on LMO Risk Assessment. Montreal, Canada. Organizer: the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity.
  13. November 30 – December 1. The International Scientific and Practical Online-Offline Conference “Biotechnology: Achievements & Prospects of Development.” Pinsk (online). Organizer: Polessky State University. 
  14. October 3. The NCBC organized an introductory webinar on the Bio-Bridge Project “Enhancing Collaboration Between the CEE and Central Asia’s Centres of Excellence to Address the Key Drivers of Biodiversity Loss and Maintain Human, Crop and Livestock Health” (online).
  15. December 11. The NCBC organized the hybrid workshop “Comparison of Legal and Technical Regulations; Laboratory Methods and Approaches in the Area of Species Identification; Detection and Identification of Living Modified Organisms (LMOs); Detection of Plant Pathogens and Other Key Areas of Laboratory Detection that can Contribute to the Conservation of Biological Diversity” in the framework of Bio-Bridge Project “Enhancing Collaboration Between the CEE and Central Asia’s Centres of Excellence to Address the Key Drivers of Biodiversity Loss and Maintain Human, Crop and Livestock Health.” Held online at the Institute of Genetics and Cytology, NAS of Belarus, Minsk. 



  1. February 12-16. The NCBC held the 5 Days’ Theoretical and Practical Training Workshop on the Laboratory Identification of Species, the Screening of Living Modified Organisms and the Detection of Plant Pathogens (the Institute of Genetics and Cytology, NAS of Belarus, Minsk) in the framework of the Bio-Bridge Project “Enhancing Collaboration Between the CEE and Central Asia’s Centres of Excellence to Address the Key Drivers of Biodiversity Loss and Maintain Human, Crop and Livestock Health.”
  2. March 11. The NCBC held a webinar to consider reviews on the comparison of technical normative legal acts in the field of laboratory detection and the GMO detection, plant pathogen identification, species identification and  eDNA identification methods, as well as to cinsider the prepared agreement “On the Establishment of CEE Centres of Excellence for the Purposes of Collaboration in Holding Joint Activities on the Laboratory Detection of the Key Drivers of Biodiversity Loss”; the Sustainability Plan and Roadmap to it under the Bio-Bridge Project  “Enhancing Collaboration Between the CEE and Central Asia’s Centres of Excellence to Address the Key Drivers of Biodiversity Loss and Maintain Human, Crop and Livestock Health” (online).

Academic advising:

(Doctoral and PhD dissertations, master’s and diploma theses, course papers – current and for the last 5 years).

One diploma thesis and one course paper have been defended.

Awards, grants:

On May 31, 2005, the NCBC was awarded the UNEP-GEF Certificate of Merit “For Finalizing the Draft National Biosafety Framework Supported by GEF.”

G.V. Mozgova, Head of the NCBC, was awarded with:

A Certificate of Merit awarded by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Belarus “For the Significant Contribution to the Joint Activity with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Belarus in the Field of Safety in Genetic Engineering Activity at National and International Levels and In Connection with the Belarusian Science Day” (January 23, 2018).

A Letter of Appreciation of October 1, 2018, granted by Cristiana Paşca Palmer, the Executive Secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity, “For Help with the Organization of the Central and Eastern European Training Course on Risk Assessment of Living Modified Organisms (LMO)” (held on September 25-28, 2018).

A Certificate of Merit issued by the United Nations Environment Programme and the Global Environment Facility “On Recognizing the Contribution to the Train-the-Trainers Training Course on the Implementation of Multilateral Environmental Agreements” (June 13-17, 2022).

In 2021, the Personal Virtual Mobility Grant for the Training “Genome Editing Theoretical Basis, Practical Examples & Biosafety” was obtained from the European Cooperation in Science and Technology.


Books and Methodological Guidelines are available on the NCBC website:

The presentations of Conferences held by the NCBC are available at

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