National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

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In 1965, P.F. Rokitsky, an outstanding Belarusian geneticist, established the Laboratory of Theoretical Genetics. Pyotr F. Rokitsky was in charge of the Laboratory for life (prior to 1977). From 1978 to 1990, the Laboratory was under the direction of V.K. Savchenko, D.Sc. in Biology, Corresponding Member of NAS of Belarus, and since 1990 ― by Irma B. Mosse. Since in connection with the Chernobyl disaster much attention was paid to the genetic effects of radiation in those years, in 1995 the Laboratory was renamed the Laboratory of Radiation Genetics. With time passing by and changing priorities, new areas of research appeared ― molecular genetics of humans and animals. Therefore, in 2005 the Laboratory was given the status of the Laboratory of Animal Genetics (bearing in mind that humans also belong to the Animal Kingdom). In 2008, the Laboratory of Human Genetics became a separate structural subdivision. Since 2009, the Laboratory has been accredited according to the GOST ISO/IEC 17025-2019, and since 2011, it has been providing services under the License for Medical Activities of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus.

1 D.Sc. in Biology, Professor
3 PhDs in Biology
6 Research Scientists with no postgraduate degrees

Main directions of scientific research:

  • Studying genetic mechanisms determining socially signi­ficant diseases’ development for the purpose of their prevention, to predict the risk of their occurrence and for early DNA diagnostics;
  • Determining individual drug sensitivity to enhance the efficacy of therapy and reduce side effects;
  • Analysis of a genetic component of a psycho-emotional status and cognitive abilities of a person; studying the effect of stress resistance genes on the adaptation to the extreme physical exertion and emotional strain;
  • Identifying informative genetic markers to high sporting achievements, professional pathology in sports and eating behavior to enhance the effectiveness of athletes’ training and their medicobiological support;
  • Providing services in the genetic testing of a human (designing DNA Certi­ficates) at the Republican Centre for Genomic Biotechnology.

Main results:

  • Technologies for determining a genetic predisposition to socially significant pathologies (cardiovascular, endocrine, musculoskeletal, as well as noncarrying of pregnancy) have been developed and integrated.
  • A set of informative pharmacogenetic markers of human sensitivity to a number of medications used in the treatment of osteoporosis, diabetes and cardiovascular pathology have been identified.
  • A “system of genetic testing in sports” and “selection programs for novice athletes” have been developed; more than 500 representatives of 30 national teams of Belarus have been tested.
  • Next-generation sequencing (NGS) has been used to determine the methylation level of epigenetic loci associated with the psycho-emotional status of a person.
  • A spectrum of mutations in the protein-coding sequence of type I collagen genes have been studied in Belarusian patients with osteogenesis imperfecta; 12 previously unknown pathogenic mutations have been described.
  • More than 24 thousand people from 22 countries have obtained DNA Certificates developed at the Laboratory.

Publications (for the last 5 years):

  • Bakunovich, K. V., Mosse, I. B., Kilchevsky, A. V., Kukhtinskaya, L. V., Charykova, I. A.  Association of a number of gene polymorphisms of neurotransmitter systems with psychophysiological characteristics of athletes. Molecular & Applied Genetics. Vol. 26. 2019. P. 136-144.
  • M. D. Amelyanovich, I. B. Mosse. Molecular genetic markers to the risk of endocrine pathology development. Molecular & Applied Genetics. Vol. 27. 2019. P. 97-107.
  • Sedlyar, N. I., Mosse, I. B. Genetic mechanisms of noncarrying of pregnancy. Medicine. – 2019. – Vol. 106, No. 3. – P. 49-54. IF= 0,187 
  • Kilchevsky, A. V., Sheiko, R. I., Mosse, I. B., Borinskaya, S. A. Identification of personality by DNA – new horizons and prospects. Proceedings of the Scientific and Technical Conference “Union State: Achievements, Challenges and Prospects.” December 9-11, 2019. Moscow, Russia. 2020.  P.274-277.
  • Sedlyar, N. G., Mosse, I. B., Kundas, L. A., Gonchar, A. L.,  Amelyanovich, M. D. Assessment of the risk of noncarrying of pregnancy based on molecular genetic analysis. Molecular & Applied Genetics. Vol. 28. 2020. P.81-93
  • Babenko, A. S., Mosse, K. A., Sedlyar, N. G., Shylinsky, P. S, Mosse, I. B.  Development of a panel to analyze the methylation profile of target epigenetic loci associated with the psycho-emotional status of a person. Molecular & Applied Genetics. Vol. 29. 2020. P.37-48.
  • Kilchevsky, A. V., Mosse, I. B., Shapturenko, M. N., Burakova, A. Genetics – forensic examination of Belarus. Nauka & Innovatsii, No. 10. 2020. P.22-28.
  • Mosse, I. B., Kurlovich, I. V., Dashkevich, E. V., Sedlyar, N. G., Beluga, M. V, Veremeyeva, V. V. Comprehensive methods for the assessment of miscarriage risk and its prevention. Hematology. Transfusiology. Eastern Europe.2020. No. 4. P. 33-41. IF =0,087
  • A. G. Bulgak, I. B. Mosse, O. V. Zotova, T. S. Koroleva, N. V. Nikolayeva, A. L. Gonchar. The role of genetic polymorphism in the development of myocardial infarction among men from the Republic of Belarus. Medical and Biological Problems of Life Activity (Clinical Medicine). 2020. No. 2(24). P. 92-102
  • Kilchevsky, A. V., Mosse, I. B., Dashkevich, E. V., Kurlovich, I. V., Sedlyar, N. G., Beluga, M. V, Veremeeva, V. V. Method for determining miscarriage probability (Instruction for Use). State Enterprise “StroyMediaProekt”, 2021. 19 p.
  • G. V. Sergeev, I. V. Gaidukevich, A. M. Gorkavaya, M. D. Amelyanovich, I. B. Mosse, S. A. Usanov. Development of a multiplex system for determining 11 genetic obesity predisposition markers // Vieści Nacyjanalnaj Akademii Navuk Biełarusi. Sieryja Chimičnych Navuk. 2021. Vol. 57, No. 3. P. 300–309 IF= 0,208
  • I. B. Mosse, N. G. Sedlyar, A. S. Babenko, K. A. Mosse, P. S. Shulinsky, A. V. Kilchevsky. Association between the methylation of the brain neurotransmitter system genes and the psycho-emotional characteristics of a person. Genetics, 2021, No. 12.  P. 1415-1422. IF=0,84
  • I. B. Mosse, A. L. Gonchar, L. A. Kundas, N. G. Sedlyar, A. G. Bulgak, O. V. Zotova, T. S. Koroleva Molecular genetic factors of a predisposition to atrial fibrillation development in representatives from the Belarusian population. Cardiology in Belarus. 2021. Vol.13. No. 4. С. 500-511. IF= 0,071
  • A. G. Bulgak, I. B. Mosse, O. V. Zotova, T. S. Koroleva, N. V. Nikolaeva, A. L. Gonchar. Role of genetic polymorphism in myocardial infarction development among the men from the Republic of Belarus // Medical & Biological Problems of Life Activity. – 2021. – No. 1 (25). – P. 102–110.
  • M. L. Lushchil, M. D. Amelyanovich, I. B. Mosse. Association between the FTO polymorphic variants and the risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus development. Molecular & Applied Genetics. 2022. Vol. 32. P.73-80
  • I. B. Mosse, N. G. Sedlyar, A. S. Babenko, K. A. Mosse, P. S. Shulinsky, A. V. Kilchevsky Highly informative epigenetic markers of the psycho-emotional status of a person. Molecular & Applied Genetics. 2022. Vol. 32. P.54-63
  • M. L. Lushchik, M. D. Amelyanovich, A. A. Tuzova, I. B. Mosse, L. I. Danilova Molecular genetic characteristics of patients with diabetes mellitus // Vieści Nacyjanalnaj Akademii Navuk Biełarusi. Sieryja Bijałahičnych Navuk. 2022. Vol. 67, No. 2. P. 158–171 IF= 0,208
  • I. B. Mosse, L. V. Kukhtinskaya, N. G. Sedlyar, T. V. Dokukina, A.V. Kilchevsky. The role of polymorphic variants of dopaminergic system genes in the formation of human psycho-emotional status. Proceedings of NAS of Belarus. 2022. Vol. 66, No. 3. – P. 294–300.   IF= 0,37
  • Mosse, I. B., Sedlyar, N. G. Development of a quantitative assessment method for a genetic predisposition to polygenic pathologies’ development. Science & Technology of Siberia. 2022. No. 4(7). P. 28-31. IF= 0,258 
  • Yanchuk, E. P., Mosse, I. B. Association between the polymorphic variants of dopamine receptor genes and the emotional stability of a person. Abstracts of the 19th International Scientific Conference “Youth in Science.” Minsk, 25-28 October 2022. Minsk: Belaruskaya Navuka, 2022. – P. 232-234.
  • I. B. Mosse, N. G. Sedlyar, L. A. Kundas, A. G. Bulgak, O. V. Zotova. Technology for the quantitative determination of the genetic risk of cardiovascular diseases’ development. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference “Fundamental & Applied Science – Medicine.” October 9, 2022, Minsk.  Biomedical Science News. 2022, Vol. 22, No. 3. P.95-96.
  • Yanchuk, E. P., Mosse, I. B. Comparison of the polymorphic variants’ frequencies of dopaminergic system genes in women and men of the Belarusian population / E. P. Yanchuk, I. B. Mosse // Training of Scientific Personnel: Experience, Challenges, Prospects: Materials of the 3rd Republican Scientific and Practical Conference. Minsk, December 10, 2021 / Editorship: M. G. Zhilinsky (editor-in-chief) [et al.]. – Minsk: Information & Computing Centre of the Ministry of Finances, 2022. — P. 226-330.
  • Kilchevsky, A. V., Mosse, I. B., Bulgak, A. G., Zolotova, O. V., Kundas, L. A., Sedlyar, N. G., Korolyova, T. S. A method for assessing the probability of myocardial infarction and atrial fibrillation development based on molecular genetic analysis. Instruction for Use. Approved by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus of February 21, 2023, No. 015-0422 ― 8p.
  • I. B. Mosse, N. G. Sedlyar, K. A. Mosse, E. P. Yanchuk, A. V. Kilchevsky Genetic and epigenetic markers of the psycho-emotional status of a person. Materials of the 3rd International Scientific and Practical Conference “Forensic Expertise: Theory and Practice in the Modern Context.” Minsk, 26-27 April 2023. ― P. 295 – 297.
  • M.D. Ameliyanovich, M.L. Lushchyk, I. B. Mosse, L.I. Danilova. Association between the FTO polymorphic variants and obesity in the Belarusian population // Global Translational Medicine, 2023, 2(2), P. 352-368.
  • Mosse, I. B., Sedlyar N. G. DNA identification of the psycho-emotional status of a person. Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference “The Role and Importance of Forensic Expert Activity and Forensic Expertology in Ensuring National Security.” Minsk, 19-20 October 2023, P. 185-188.
  • E. P. Yanchuk, I. B. Mosse, N. G. Sedlyar, K. A. Mosse, A. V. Kilchevsky. The most informative polymorphic variants of genes associated with the cognitive abilities of a person. Molecular & Applied Genetics. 2023. Vol. 35. ― P.164-175.

Academic advising (for the last 5 years):

In 2023, the PhD dissertation “Miscarriage risk assessment based on molecular genetic analysis” was defended in the specialty 03.01.07 – molecular genetics (Sedlyar, N. G.; scientific supervisor ― Mosse, I. B.)

Two Laboratory members are doing a PhD course.

Annually, Laboratory members provide scientific supervision for the course, diploma and master’s theses of students of the International Sakharov Environmental Institute of the Belarusian State University, the Faculty of Biology of the Belarusian State University and the University of NAS of Belarus.


Patent “Method for determining the genetic risk of myocardial infarction:

The Laboratory members are distinguished with:

  1. A Certificate of Merit of the Ministry of Sports and Tourism of the Republic of Belarus “For many years of fruitful work, professionalism and initiative in work, as well as in connection with the Day of Science” 2019.
  2. A Letter of Appreciation issued by the President of the Republic of Belarus A.G. Lukashenko of March 8, 2019.
  3. The Certificate of Merit of the International Sakharov Environmental Institute of the Belarusian State University “For longstanding and fruitful work, achieving significant results in scientific and pedagogical activity, training and education of highly qualified specialists” 2019.
  4. A Laureate of the Prize of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus in the field of biological sciences for a series of works “Development and integration of molecular genetic technologies for assessing a predisposition to socially significant diseases and high sporting achievements” 2019.
  5. A Diploma for the 2nd Place in the Competition for the 2019 Best Scientific Article of the Institute of Genetics and Cytology, NAS of Belarus (2019).
  6. A Certificate of Merit of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus (2021).
  7. The Grand Medal of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus “For outstanding service to national science” (March 2022).
  8. The Special badge “Day of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus” (November 2022)
  9. A Certificate of Appreciation of the Department of Biological Sciences of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus of April 5, 2023 “For excellence in scientific and innovative activity, a significant contribution to the organization of scientific research in the field of human genetics.”
  10. A Laureate of the Union State Prize in Science and Technology in 2023 “For the development of innovative genogeographic and genomic technologies for personal identification, as well as the identification of individual characteristics of a person based on the study of the gene pools of Union State Regions” (the Resolution of the Supreme State Council of the Union State of October 12, 2023, No. 3.)
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