National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

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Valentina V. LEMESH

PhD in Biology, Associate Professor

Tel.: +375 17 378 19 43


About the Laboratory:

The Laboratory was established in 2000. The founder and the first Head of the Laboratory was Petr A. Orlov (2000-2008), D.Sc. (Biology). Since 2008, after its structural reorganization, the Laboratory has been under the direction of V.A. Lemesh, PhD, Associate Professor.

Main directions:

  • Investigation into the genetic diversity of plants, fish and bees;
  • Investigation into the molecular genetic mechanisms of plant adaptation to abiotic and biotic stress;
  • Verification of the credibility of origin, the species and breed affiliation of fish and bees; identification and certification of plants based on DNA typing;
  • Investigation into the molecular genetic bases of human diseases;
  • Application of bioinformatics methods to analyze cause-and-effect relationships of the structural and functional organization of genomes.

Main publications:

  1. Phenotypic, biochemical and genomic variability in generations of the rapeseed (Brassica napus) mutant lines obtained via chemical mutagenesis / A. Amosova, S. Zoshchuk, V. Volovik, A. Shirokova, N. Horuzhiy, G. Mozgova, O. Yurkevich, M. Artyukhova, V. Lemesh, T. Samatadze, O. Muravenko // Plos One. – Aug. 2019 – 20 p.
  2. Differentiation of hybrid offspring of the silver (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) and bighead (H. nobilis rich.) carp based on microsatellite loci / Nosova, A. Yu., Kipen, V. N., Tsar, A. I., Lemesh, V. A. // Genetics. 2020 Vol. 56 No. 3 P. 313-320.
  3. Determining human chronological age by biological samples based on the CpG dinucleotide methylation analysis / Lemesh, V. A., Kipen, V.N., Bogdanova, M. V., Burakova, A. A., Buglak, A. G., Baida, A. V., Bruskin, S. А., Zolotova, O. V., Dobysh, O.I. // Genetics. 2021 Vol. 57, No. 12 P. 1376-1385A
  4. Methods to identify the taxonomic affiliation of bees Apis mellifera / E. V. Guzenko, A. I. Tsar, V. A. Lemesh// Molecular and Applied Genetics; Minsk: 2022 Vol.32. P.134 – 140
  5. KASP genotyping of loci associated with the “thousand grain weight” trait in soft wheat (Tríticum aestívum) / V. A Lemesh, Academitian S. I. Grib, E. V. Lagunovskaya, V. N. Kipen, A. A. Buloichik, V. N. Bushtevich, V. I. Sakovich // Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. – 2023 – Vol. 67, No.3. – P. 214–221.
  6. First experience in obtaining microRNA from unfixed thyroid tissue in the Republic of Belarus / Yakubovsky, S. V., Kipen, V. N., Fridman, M. V., Kondratovich, V. A., Burakova, A. A., Dobysh, O. I., Lemesh, V. A., Kondratenko, G. G. // The Belarusian State Medical University at the vanguard of medical science and practice: Peer-reviewed annual scientific proceedings: in 2 vol. / – Minsk: the Data Processing Centre of the Ministry of Finances, 2023 – Issue.13. – Vol.2. – P. 99-108.

Main Methodological Guidelines:

  1. Technology for the genetic identification of fish and seafood species in fish raw material and food products / V. A. Lemesh et al. – Minsk : 2020 — 36  p.
  2. Methodology for determining the probable age of an individual based on the characteristics of his DNA epigenetic status / V. A. Lemesh, V. N. Kipen, M. V. Bogdanova, A. A. Burakova, O. I. Dobysh, S. A. Bruskin // Minsk: 2021 – 36 p.
  3. Methodology for determining microRNA in histological preparations for the thyroid gland, formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded / V. N. Kipen, A. A. Burakova, O. I. Dobysh, V. A. Lemesh, S. V. Yakubovsky, G. G. Kondratenko, M. V. Fridman, V. A. Kondratovich // Institute of Genetics and Cytology, NAS of Belarus. – Minsk: Pravo & Ekonomika. – 2023 – 32 p.
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