National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Tel.: + 375 17 378 18 56      E-mail:


The ABS NCC implements its activity in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus of May 22, 2014, No. 235 “On the Accession to the International Treaty” and the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of October 1, 2014, No. 933 “On the Establishment of the National Coordination Centre on Access to Genetic Resources and Benefit-Sharing” to ensure the implementation of the Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising from Their Utilization to the Convention on Biological Diversity (hereinafter referred to as “the CBD”) adopted in 2010 in Nagoya, Japan, by the States Parties to the CBD. It came into force in 2014.

The Centre’s website:  

The Center’s staff: 5 members


Elena N. MAKEYEVA, PhD in Biology, Associate Professor

+375 17 399 85 75

Lead Research Scientist:
Tatiana P. Lipinskaya, PhD in Biology, Associate Professor

Research Scientist:
Olga M. Malysheva

Lead IT Specialist:
Irina A. Dubinina

Lead Translator/Interpreter:
Maria G. Pyzhova

Main targets of the Centre:

  • Maintaining constant liaison with the CBD Secretariat and taking part in the activity of the ABS Clearing-House for information exchange on genetic resources, the legal regulation of access to them and sharing of benefits arising from their utilization;
  • Providing information to applicants (legal entities and individuals) intending to obtain access to the genetic resources of the Republic of Belarus; the procedure for obtaining prior informed consent and concluding mutually agreed terms, including benefit-sharing;
  • Providing information to applicants (legal entities and individuals) intending to obtain access to traditional knowledge associated with genetic resources and information on the procedure for obtaining prior informed consent and concluding mutually agreed terms, including benefit-sharing;
  • Exchanging information with Coordination Centres and international organizations on the issues of access to the genetic resources of other countries;
  • Providing advisory services to state authorities and other organizations in preparing of proposals for concluding bilateral and multilateral agreements for genetic resources’ access and the terms of their use, including benefit-sharing.

The Centre’s functions:

  • Coordination and awareness-raising activity regulating access to genetic resources and the terms of their use, including benefit-sharing;
  • Ensuring compliance with the provisions of the Nagoya Protocol in providing access to genetic resources and associated traditional knowledge;  
  • Taking part in the development and improvement of normative legal acts regulating access to genetic resources and sharing of benefits arising from their utilization;
  • Implementing activities promoting the awareness raising of state officials; specialists in the field of science, agriculture and forestry, nature reserve management, hunting supervision and fisheries surveillance; lawyers and employees in the field of education; and the general public of the objectives and targets of the Nagoya Protocol;
  • Holding scientific and practical republican and international conferences on the issues related to the regulation of access to genetic resources and sharing of benefits arising from their utilization under the Nagoya Protocol;
  • Developing and publishing informational and practical and reference manuals on the Nagoya Protocol for the specialists of scientific, scientific and production, state and departmental organizations, as well as a wide range of stakeholders;
  • Supporting and developing national capacity for the liaison with the Clearing-House for the Nagoya Protocol; 
  • Developing international cooperation in the framework of the Nagoya Protocol in all the formats facilitating its successful implementation in the Republic of Belarus and other countries; 
  • Preparing national reports on the implementation by the Republic of Belarus of its commitments under the Nagoya Protocol; 
  • Developing and maintaining informational reference website on the Nagoya Protocol and including it in the system of information exchange with the Internet Portal of the Clearing-House for the Convention on Biological Diversity;
  • Preparing and publishing normative legal acts of the Republic of Belarus, as well as informational materials on the issues related to the implementation of the Nagoya Protocol to the Convention on Biological Diversity.


Book editions:

  1. National Legislation in the Field of Conservation of Biological Diversity and Genetic Resources Use. / Scientific editor: Makeyeva, E. N. / – 2018. — Minsk. – Pravo & Ekonomika. – 450 p.   
  2. Training course “Using DNA Technologies for the Identification and Study of Alien and Endangered Species.” Programs. Materials. Resolutions. / Compiler: E.N. Makeyeva, T.P. Lipinskaya, M.G. Pyzhova / [Scientific editor Makeyeva, E.N., Lipinskaya, T.P.] – 2018. – Minsk. – Pravo & Ekonomika. – 301 p. 
  3. National Legislation in the Field of Conservation of Biological Diversity and Genetic Resources Use. / Scientific editor: Makeyeva, E.N. / – 2018. – Pravo & Ekonomika. — Minsk. – 450 p.
  4. Genetic Resources and Traditional Knowledge of the Republic of Belarus. Legal Aspects and Capacity Building for the Implementation of the Nagoya Protocol. Expert reports. / Scientific editor: Makeyeva, Е.N., Lemesh, V.A. / — 2018. — Pravo & Ekonomika. – Minsk. – 224 p. 
  5. Biological Diversity, Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge, Biosafety: Dictionary of Terms Used in the Convention on Biological Diversity, the Nagoya Protocol, the Cartagena Protocol. / Compilers: E.N. Makeyeva, M.G. Pyzhova, G.V. Mozgova; Scientific editor: E.N. Makeyeva; the Institute of Genetics and Cytology, NAS of Belarus. – Minsk: Pravo & Ekonomika, 2019. – 320 p. – ISBN 9788-985-552-855-6.  Volume, in publisher’s sheets – 51.5. Circulation – 50 items. 
  6. Fourth National Report on the Implementation by the Republic of Belarus of its Commitments under the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety / G.V. Mozgova, A.V. Kilchevsky, R.I. Sheiko, E.N. Makeyeva, T.V. Zheleznova, V.A. Lemesh, A.N. Ostrovskaya, N.I. Drobot, V.S. Ostapchik, M.G. Pyzhova. – Minsk: Pravo & Ekonomika. – 2021. – 133 p.
  1. The Fourth National Report on the Implementation of the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety in the Republic of Belarus / G.V. Mozgova, A.V. Kilchevsky, R.I. Sheyko, E.N. Makeeva, T.V. Zhaliaznova, V.A. Lemesh, A.N. Ostrovskaya, N.I. Drobot, V.S. Ostapchyk, M.G. Pyzhova. – Minsk: Pravo & Economika. – 2021. – 41 p.
  2. G.V. Mozgova, E.N. Makeyeva, A.N. Ostrovskaya,V.S. Ostapchik, N.I. Drobot, T.V. Zheleznova, A.N. Kuzmich. Biosafety of Genetic Engineering Activity. Detection and Identification of Genetically Engineered Organisms. / Under the editorship of G.V. Mozgova, E.N. Makeyeva; the Institute of Genetics and Cytology, NAS of Belarus. – Minsk: Pravo & Ekonomika. 2022. – 236 p. 
  1. G.V. Mozgova, E.N. Makeyeva, A.N. Astrouskaya, V.S. Astapchyk, N.I. Drobat, T.V. Zhaliaznova, A.N. Kuzmich. Biosafety of Genetic Engineering Activity. Detection and Identification of Genetically Engineered Organisms. / Under the editorship of G.V. Mozgova, E.N. Makeyeva.  – Minsk: Pravo & Ekonomika, 2022. – 212 p. 



  1. Savina, N.V., Kubrak, S.V., Makeyeva, E.N., Kilchevsky, A.V. Selection of Markers for the DNA Barcoding of Wild Species of the Orchidaceae Family Using Anacamptis morio L. as an Example. // Molecular & Applied Genetics: Proceedings / the Institute of Genetics and Cytology, NAS of Belarus. – 2018. – Vol. 24. – P. 5-11.
  2. Guzenko, E.V., Makeyeva, E.N., Lemesh, V.A., Kilchevsky, A.V. Biodiversity: Access & Benefit-Sharing. – Nauka & Innovatsii. – 2018. — No. 7 (185). – P. 11-14. 
  3. Makeyeva, E.N., Panteley, K.A., Zheleznona, T.V. Transfer of Genetic Resources to Foreign Partners. – Nauka & Innovatsii. – 2018. No. 7(185). – P. 14-16. 
  4. Makeyeva, Elena, Panteley, Kseniya, Ushkova, Larisa. BELARUS: Research and Development of Potato Genetic Resources for Increased Fertility and Food Security. – In the book edition: ABS is Genetic Resources for Sustainable Development. – UNDP. – Renk Matbaasi A.S., Turkey. – 2018. — P. 146 -153. 
  5. Маkeyeva, E.N. The Nagoya Protocol to the Convention on Biological Diversity: Commitments of the Republic of Belarus and International Experience of its Implementation. — Training course “Using DNA Technologies for the Identification and Study of Alien and Endangered Species.” Programmes. Materials. Resolution. — 2018. – Minsk. – Pravo & Ekonomika. – P. 239 – 251. 
  6. Panteley, K.A. Practical Experience of Genetic Resources Transfer: Examples and a Procedure for the Formalization of Required Documentation. – Training course “Using DNA Technologies for the Identification and Study of Alien and Endangered Species.” Programmes. Materials. Resolution. – 2018. – Minsk. – Pravo & Ekonomika. – P. 256 – 262.  
  7. Endresen D., Abrahamyan A., Mirzorakhimov A., Melikyan A., Verstraete B., Schigel D., Makeyeva E., De Boer H., Russell L., Shashkov M., Mamadalieva M., Ivanova N., Voronova N., Borodin O., Prylutskyi O., Tykarski P., Johaadien R. BioDATA: Biodiversity Data Mobilization and Data Publication Training in Eurasia. Biodiversity Information Science and Standards 3/ –2019/ – e37543. –  
  8. Makeyeva, E.N., Panteley, K.A., Zheleznova, T.V. Legal Regulation of Access to Genetic Resources and Sharing of Benefits Arising from Their Utilization. – Zoological Readings. Proceedings. International Practical Conference “Zoological Readings – 2019,” March 20-22, 2019. – YurSaPrint, — Grodno. – 2019. – P. 186 – 188.
  9. Panteley, K.A., Makeyeva, E.N. Transfer of Genetic Resources and the Nagoya Protocol to the Convention on Biological Diversity. – Zoological readings. Proceedings. International Practical Conference. “Zoological readings – 2019,” March 20-22, 2019. – YurSaPrint, — Grodno. – 2019. – P. 214 – 216.
  10. Sheiko, R., Makeyeva, E., Zheleznova, T., Panteley, K. The Nagoya Protocol to the Conservation of Biological Diversity. — Nauka & Innovatsii. – 2019. — No. 8 (198). August 2019. – P. 4 – 8.
  11. Mozgova, G., Makeyeva, E. Digital Sequence Information on Genetic Resources. – Nauka & Innovatsii. – 2019. – No. 8 (198). August 2019. – P. 9 – 12. 
  12. E.N. Makeyeva, E.P. Mikhalenko, S.V. Kubrak, N.V. Savina, E.I. Kuzminova, L.V. Milko, K.A. Panteley, A.P. Kolbas, N.M. Matusevich, O.S. Yezhova, V.S.Liushtyk, A.V. Kilchevsky.  DNA Barcoding Technology in Belarus: Prospects and Needs. – Molecular & Applied Genetics. – 2019. – Vol. 27. – P. 17 – 23.  
  13. Genetic Resources of Plants in Belarus: Mobilization, Conservation, Study and Use / Republican Unitary Enterprise “Scientific and Practical Centre for Arable Farming, NAS of Belarus”; Editorship: F.I. Privalov (editor-in-chief) [et al.]. — Minsk: Four Quarters, 2019. — 452 p. [Makeyeva, E.N. Chapter 1. Legislative Framework for the Conservation and Use of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture in the Republic of Belarus (Legal Regulation of the Conservation and Use of Plant Genetic Diversity in the Republic of Belarus) – p. 13 – 16.] 
  14. Plant Genetic Resources in Belarus: Mobilization, Conservation, Study and Use / Republican Unitary Enterprise “Scientific and Practical Centre for Arable Farming, NAS of Belarus”; Editorship: F.I. Privalov (editor-in-chief) [et al.]. — Minsk: Four Quarters, 2019. — 452 p. [Kilchevskiy, A.V., Makeyeva, E.N, Mikhalenko, E.P., Kubrak, S.V. Chapter 4.3. Republican DNA Bank of Plants – P. 226 – 229]
  15. Plant Genetic Resources in Belarus: Mobilization, Conservation, Study and Use / Republican Unitary Enterprise “Scientific and Practical Centre for Arable Farming, NAS of Belarus”; Editorship: F.I. Privalov (editor-in-chief) [et al.]. — Minsk: Four Quaters, 2019. — 452 p. [Privalov, F.I., Grib S.I., Matys, I.S., Makeyeva, E.N., Mozgova, G.V., Kozlovskaya, Z.A., Kovalevich, A.I., Spiridovich, E.V., Lavnikevich, A.S. Chapter 9. International Cooperation in the Field of Collection, Conservation and Use of Plant Genetic Resources. – P. 430 – 431]
  16. E.N. Makeyeva, K.A. Panteley. The Convention on Biological Diversity and the Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources –International Guarantors of the Sovereign Rights of Countries to Their Own Genetic Resources. / Ecological and Biological Aspects of the State and Development of Polesia Region: Proceedings / Mozyr State Pedagogical University named after I.P.Shamyakin; Editorship: O.P. Pozyvailo (responsible editor) [et al.]; under the general editorship of E.V. Tikhonova, PhD in Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor. – Mozyr: Mozyr State Pedagogical University named after I.P. Shamyakin, 2020. – P. 75 – 80. 
  17. K.A. Panteley, E.N. Makeyeva International Agreements in the Sphere of Biological Diversity Conservation — a Global Instrument for Sustainable Development. / Ecological and Biological Aspects of the State and Development of Polesia Region: Proceedings / Mozyr State Pedagogical University named after I.P. Shamyakin: O.P. Pozyvailo (responsible editor) [et al.]; under the general editorship of E.V. Tikhonova, PhD in Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor. – Mozyr: Mozyr State Pedagogical University named after I.P. Shamyakin, 2020. – P. 100 – 105. 
  18. Kilchevsky, A.V., Zheleznova, T.V., Mozgova, G.V., Makeyeva, E.N., Sheiko, R.I. Regulation of Safety in Genetic Engineering Activity in the Republic of Belarus / Medical & Biological Science News. – 2021. – 23 p. 

Taking part in Conferences (2018 – 2023):

Forty five events on the awareness-raising of the specialists of scientific, educational and environmental institutions of the legal regulation of access to genetic resources and benefit-sharing.



       In 18 International Conferences held in the Republic of Belarus;

       In 129 workshops, meetings and other events of the UN Convention on Biological Diversity, the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and the  UN Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD).


2018 – 2019. The UNDP-GEF International Technical Assistance Project “Strengthening of Human Resources, Legal Frameworks and Institutional Capacities to Implement the Nagoya Protocol in the Republic of Belarus” (Registered with the Ministry of Economy under No. 2/18/000874 of March 30, 2018. The project cost in 2019: $149 546 US; the full project cost (2018-2019): $350 000 US)

2023. The International Gratuitous Aid Project “Capacity Building for the Safeguarding of Traditional Knowledge Associated with Genetic Resources and Legal Regulation of Access to It in the Republic of Belarus” under the Participation Program 2022–2023, UNESCO, No. 2240116046. The project cost: $10 480 US.  


2023. E.N Makeyeva was awarded with a Certificate of Appreciation of the Department of Biological Sciences, NAS of Belarus, “For her Contribution to the Development of International Cooperation in the Field of Conservation of Biological Diversity and Highly Professional Coordination of Activities on the Rational Use of Genetic Resources.”

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