National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Tel.: + 375 17 378 18 56      E-mail:


The Laboratory was established in 1985 on the basis of the genetic transformation group. From 1985 to 2012, the Laboratory was headed by N.A. Kartel, the founder of the Belarusian molecular genetic school, D.Sc. in Biology, Professor.  Since 2012, the Laboratory has been under the direction of Oksana Yu. Urbanovich, D.Sc. in Biology, Professor. Laboratory’s staff: 7 members ― one D.Sc. in Biology, Professor; two PhDs in Biology; one Senior Research Scientist; and three Junior Research Scientists.

D.Sc. in Biology, Professor
Tel.: +375 17 379 91 80

Key directions of scientific activity:

Study of the structure, organization and function of plant genes.

Development of new methods and technologies aimed at the deeper study of genetic processes and genes that are advantageous for crop breeding. Development of genetically modified and edited plants with economically valuable traits. Marker-assisted selection, DNA identification of agricultural crops.

Main results:

  • In the Laboratory, under the supervision of Academician N.A. Kartel, transgenic tobacco, Arabidopsis, potato, foxglove and rapeseed plants with the rhlA and rhlB genes of the biosynthesis of rhamnolipids, endochitinase chiA, cry3aM Bacillus thuringiensis encoding delta endotoxin, CYPIIAI of cytochrome p450scc of animal origin, glucose oxidase, resistance to herbicide glufosinate etc. were developed.
  • For the first time, transgenic tobacco plants that carry the Arabidopsis ndb2 gene, have an altered ROS level, and accordingly, a cell defense system that operates in a different mode have been developed. They exhibit resistance to stress, including negative temperatures in particular.
  • Cloning experiments using bioinformatics methods resulted in the production of vector constructs based on the CRISRP/Cas9 system, which carry spacers to various protospacers of the tobacco pds gene encoding the 15-cis-phytoene desaturase enzyme. They were used to obtain genetically edited tobacco plants with a knockout of the pds target gene. Where this gene is switched off, the plants acquire an albino phenotype.
  • Methods for the DNA identification of wheat, potato, apple, pear, common plum, diploid plum, cherry, sweet cherry, apricot, black currant, red currant, gooseberry, garden strawberry and Fragaria species varieties have been developed. The methods have been integrated into the Republican Center for Genomic Biotechnology. They allow determining the species, varietal and hybrid origin of genotypes avoiding the assessment by morphological features. Molecular genetic certificates for fruit, berry and cereal crops have been designed.
  • Effective identification methods based on the DNA markers of genes resistant to diseases and pests of fruit and cereal crops, genes affecting economically valuable traits and abiotic stress tolerance have been developed and integrated into the breeding process based on DNA markers. Information resources on the content of economically valuable genes in wheat varieties have been generated.
  • Primary sequences of a number of genes encoding apple and wheat dehydrins have been established. Their role in response to abiotic stress has been shown.
  • Genetic diversity has been evaluated and the methods allowing the identification of individual fruit crops and potato viruses have been developed.
  • Genes encoding Trihelix transcription factors in the apple genome have been identified using bioinformatics methods. Their number, length and location in the genome and phylogenetic relationships have been established. It has been shown that they are involved in abiotic stress responses.
  • The genetic diversity of Belarusian chicken lines has been assessed based on the allelic composition of the PRL, GH and IGF-I genes associated with productivity.

Publications (for the last 5 years):


  1. Liu Z., Wang L., Xiao H., Guoe X., Urbanovich O., Nagorskaya L., Lih X. A review on control factors of pyrolysis technology for plants containing heavy metals // Ecotoxicology & Environmental Safety. – 2020. – V. 191. (Scopus: IF=4.872).
  2. Liu Z., Chen B., Wang L., Urbanovich O., Nagorskaya L., Li X., Tang L. A review on phytoremediation of mercury contaminated soils // The Journal of Hazardous Materials. – 2020. – V. 400. Article 123138 (Scopus: IF=9,038).
  3. Shishlova-Sokolovskaya, A. M. Development of transgenic Nicotiana tabacum plants with the insertion of the TAD3 gene encoding winter wheat dehydrin / A. M. Shishlova-Sokolovskaya, E. P. Kvetko, P. V. Kuzmitskaya, O. Yu. Urbanovich, G. B. Borovsky // Molecular & Applied Genetics: Proceedings / Institute of Genetics and Cytology, NAS of Belarus; Editorship: A. V. Kilchevsky (editor-in-chief) [et al.]. – Minsk, 2020. –Vol.28. – P. 5-14.



  1. Kuzmitskaya, T. M. Dzmitrieva, E. S. Karaleva, O. Yu. Urbanovich, V. L. Makhanko, and Yu. V. Gunko / Genetic Diversity of Potato Virus Y in Belarus // Cytology & Genetics. – 2021. Vol. 55, No. 3. – Р. 290 – 297. (Scopus: IF=0,6).
  2. The apple gene MD13G1109800 relates to Trihelix transcription factors and is expressed in response to abiotic stress factors. /
  3. V. Kuzmitskaya, E. S. Koroleva, O. Yu. Urbanovich // Vies. Nac. Akad. Navuk Biełarusi. Sier. Bijał. Navuk. – 2021. – No. 4. – P. 426 – 432.
  4. Genetic diversity of Belarusian chicken lines by the allelic composition of the PRL, GH and IGF-I genes associated with productivity / A. N. Zainchkovskaya, E. P. Khmilevskaya, A. M. Shishlova-Sokolovskaya, S. V. Kosyanenko, E. A. Fomina, O. Yu. Urbanovich // Molecular & Applied Genetics : Proceedings / Institute of Genetics and Cytology, NAS of Belarus ; Editorship: A. V. Kilchevsky (editor-in-chief) [et al.]. – 2021. – Vol. 31. – P.124-133.



  1. Fomina, E. A. Genetic diversity of the representatives of inbred mouse lines BALB/c, CBA, C57BL/6 used in medical and biological research in the Republic of Belarus / E. A. Fomina, A. N. Zainchkovskaya, O. Yu. Urbanovich // Molecular & Applied Genetics: Proceedings / Institute of Genetics and Cytology, NAS of Belarus; Editorship: A. V. Kilchevsky (editor-in-chief) [et al.]. – Minsk, 2022. – Vol.32. – P. 97-106.
  2. Urbanovich, O. Yu. Genetically modified plants ― history and prospects. To mark the 85th anniversary of birth of the Academician N. A. Kartel // Molecular & Applied Genetics: Proceedings / Institute of Genetics and Cytology, NAS of Belarus; Editorship: A. V. Kilchevsky (editor-in-chief) [et al.]. – Minsk, 2022. – Vol. 32. – P.121-126.
  3. Development of the CRISPR/Cas9 system for the genome editing of the NtPDS gene of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum)/ A. M. Shishlova-Sokolovskaya, E. P. Khmilevskaya, O. Yu. Urbanovich // Molecular & Applied Genetics: Proceedings / Institute of Genetics and Cytology, NAS of Belarus; Editorship: A. V. Kilchevsky (editor-in-chief) [et al.]. – 2022. – Vol. 33. – P. 47-57.



  1. Kuzmitskaya, P., Koroleva, E. Urbanovich, O. Genome-wide identification of trihelix transcription factors in the apple genome in silico. J Appl Genetics 64, 445–458 (2023). (Scopus: IF=3,0).
  2. Korotaeva, N.E., Shigarova, A.M., Katyshev, A.I., Fedoseeva L.V., Fedyaeva A.V., Sauchyn D.V., Shyshlova-Sokolovskaya A.M., Urbanovich O.Yu., Borovskii G.B. Effect of the Expression of the NDB2 Heterologous Gene of Arabidopsis thaliana on the Growth and Respiratory Activity of Nicotiana tabacum. Russ J Plant Physiol. V.  70, 93 (2023). (Scopus: IF=1,6).
  3. Expression of the TaDHN9-A, TaDHN13 and TaDHN20 genes in spring wheat varieties in response to drought / A.N. Zainchkovskaya,

E.A. Fomina, F.N. Kushanov, O.Yu. Urbanovich // Molecular & Applied Genetics: Proceedings / Institute of Genetics and Cytology, NAS of Belarus; Editorship: A.V. Kilchevsky (editor-in-chief) [et al.]. – Minsk, 2023. – Vol. 35. – P. 27-34.



  1. Moisture deficit effect on the expression of genes encoding stress-associated apple proteins / P.V. Kuzmitskaya, E.S. Koroleva,

O.Yu. Urbanovich // Vies. Nac. Akad. Navuk Biełarusi. Sier. Bijał. Navuk. – 2024. – No. 1. – P. 36-46.

  1. Genetic diversity of apple trees of the old orchard of the Central Botanical Garden of NAS / E.A. Fomina, A.N. Zainchkovskaya, P.V. Kuzmitskaya, O.Yu. Urbanovich, P.A. Pashkevich, L.S. Sidor, B.Yu. Anoshenko, L.V. Goncharova // Vies. Nac. Akad. Navuk Biełarusi. Sier. Bijał. Navuk. – 2024. – No. 1. – P. 57-67.
  2. Effect of some abiotic factors on the profiles of the expression of genes encoding stress-associated apple proteins / P.V. Kuzmitskaya,

E.S. Koroleva, O.Yu. Urbanovich // Vies. Nac. Akad. Navuk Biełarusi. Sier. bijał. navuk. – 2024. – No. 2. – P. 143–152.

Taking part in Conferences (for the last 5 years):

5th International Scientific Conference “Genetics and Biotechnology of the 21st Century: Problems, Achievements and Prospects.” November 21-25, 2022, Minsk.

Russian-Belarusian Workshop on Genetic Technologies. July 9, 2-22, Novosibirsk.

Vavilov International Conference, International Scientific and Practical Conference “Vavilov Readings-2022.” November 25, 2022, St. Petersburg.

Workshop “Genomic Technologies: Practical Application (Crop Production, Animal Husbandry).” March 22, 2023, Minsk.

International Scientific Conference to Mark the 65th Anniversary of the Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology Department of the State Scientific Institution “Central Botanical Garden of NAS of Belarus” “The Present and Future of Plant Biotechnology.” May 24-26, 2023, Minsk

Academic advising:

(Doctoral dissertations, PhD dissertations, master’s theses, diploma theses, course papers – current and over the last 5 years)

The Laboratory supervises students’ course papers and diploma theses.

One PhD dissertation and three master’s theses have been defended.


  • Urbanovich, O. Yu., Kuzmitskaya, P. V., Mezhnina, O. A.,  Kvetko, E. P. The microsatellite markers’ kit for the identification of an apple variety and the DNA identification method for an apple variety. Patent No. 23427. Registration as of March 29, 2021. 
  • Urbanovich, O. Yu., Mezhnina, O. A. The molecular markers’ kit and the DNA identification method for black and red currant and gooseberry varieties. No. 23967. Registration as of January 25, 2023.
  • Urbanovich O. Yu., Mezhnina O. A. The SSR molecular markers’ kit and the DNA identification method for Fragaria genus plant varieties. Patent 23966. Registration as of January 25, 2023.

Awards, grants

O.Yu. Urbanovich has been awarded the Certificate of Merit of NAS of Belarus (the Decree of the Bureau of the Presidium of NAS of Belarus of October 13, 2021, No. 466).

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