In 1965, P.F. Rokitsky, an outstanding Belarusian geneticist, established the Laboratory of Theoretical Genetics. Pyotr F. Rokitsky was in charge of the Laboratory for life (prior to 1977). From 1978 to 1990, the Laboratory was under the direction of V.K. Savchenko, D.Sc. in Biology, Corresponding Member of NAS of Belarus, and since 1990 ― by Irma B. Mosse. Since in connection with the Chernobyl disaster much attention was paid to the genetic effects of radiation in those years, in 1995 the Laboratory was renamed the Laboratory of Radiation Genetics. With time passing by and changing priorities, new areas of research appeared ― molecular genetics of humans and animals. Therefore, in 2005 the Laboratory was given the status of the Laboratory of Animal Genetics (bearing in mind that humans also belong to the Animal Kingdom). In 2008, the Laboratory of Human Genetics became a separate structural subdivision. Since 2009, the Laboratory has been accredited according to the GOST ISO/IEC 17025-2019, and since 2011, it has been providing services under the License for Medical Activities of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus.
In 2023, the PhD dissertation “Miscarriage risk assessment based on molecular genetic analysis” was defended in the specialty 03.01.07 – molecular genetics (Sedlyar, N. G.; scientific supervisor ― Mosse, I. B.)
Two Laboratory members are doing a PhD course.
Annually, Laboratory members provide scientific supervision for the course, diploma and master’s theses of students of the International Sakharov Environmental Institute of the Belarusian State University, the Faculty of Biology of the Belarusian State University and the University of NAS of Belarus.
Patent “Method for determining the genetic risk of myocardial infarction: