National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

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Dissertation Council

Examples of formatting regulations


The execution of qualification scientific work (dissertation) for the scientific PhD and doctoral degrees, a dissertation abstract submitted for academic degrees, as well as publications on the topic of the dissertation in the scientific editions of the Republic of Belarus must comply with requirements.

The composition of the Dissertation Council for Defending Dissertations D 01.31.01 at the State Scientific Institution “Institute of Genetics and Cytology, NAS of Belarus” for the term of November 11, 2024 – November 10, 2027 (an order of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Belarus of November 4, 2024, No. 14/3). Specialties 03.02.07 – Genetics; and 03.01.07 – Molecular genetics (biological sciences):

  1. Nadezhda I. Dubovets (Chairperson), PhD in Biology, Professor, the State Scientific Institution “Institute of Genetics and Cytology, NAS of Belarus”, Chief Research Scientist, 03.02.07
  2. Vladimir E. Padutov (Deputy Chairperson), D.Sc. in Biology, Professor, the State Scientific Institution “Institute of Forest, NAS of Belarus”, Head of the Department 03.01.07, 03.02.07
  3. Olga A. Orlovskaya (Scientific Secretary), PhD in Biology, Associate Professor, the Sate Scientific Institution “Institute of Genetics and Cytology, NAS of Belarus”, Deputy Head of the Laboratory 03.01.07, 03.02.07
  4. Rosa I. Goncharova, D.Sc. in Biology, Professor, the State Scientific Institution “Institute of Genetics and Cytology, NAS of Belarus”, Chief Research Scientist 03.01.07, 03.02.07
  5. Anatoly N. Evtushenkov, D.Sc. in Biology, Professor, the Belarusian State University, Head of the Department 03.01.07
  6. Alexander P. Ermishin, D.Sc. in Biology, Professor, the State Scientific Institution “Institute of Genetics and Cytology, NAS of Belarus”, Chief Research Scientist 03.01.07, 03.02.07
  7. Irma B. Mosse, D.Sc. in Biology, Professor, the State Scientific Institution “Institute of Genetics and Cytology, NAS of Belarus”, Chief Research Scientist 03.01.07, 03.02.07
  8. Vladimir N. Reshetnikov, D.Sc. in Biology, Professor, the State Scientific Institution “Central Botanical Garden, NAS of Belarus”, Head of the Department 03.02.07
  9. Vladimir V. Titok, D.Sc. in Biology, Associate Professor, the State Scientific Institution “Central Botanical Garden, NAS of Belarus”, Chief Research Scientist 03.02.07
  10. Oksana Yu. Urbanovich, D.Sc. in Biology, Professor, the State Scientific Institution “Institute of Genetics and Cytology, NAS of Belarus”, Head of the Laboratory 03.01.07, 03.02.07


  1. An application of a candidate indicating the title of the dissertation, the specialty and branch of science it is submitted for <*>;
  2. A personal data sheet with a photograph certified at the place of work (1 copy);
  3. Certified copies of a graduation diploma of the higher education institution and a PhD diploma (for a doctoral degree candidate);
  4. Original certificates of passing candidate exams and tests for a candidate with no academic degree;
  5. Dissertation (6 copies of a doctoral dissertation or 5 copies of a PhD dissertation);
  6. Certificates and/or implementation acts, other documents certifying the practical use of dissertation results if any;
  7. Manuscript of a dissertation abstract <**>;
  8. Conclusion of an organization (organizations) based on preliminary examination results (1 copy) to which a conclusion on checking of work for the correctness of borrowed materials’ use is attached;
  9. Review of an academic advisor or a consultant;
  10. Originals (imprints) or photocopies of the works cited in the dissertation abstract where the main dissertation research results are published, as well as the programs of scientific congresses, conferences and symposia confirming the participation of a candidate in them;
  11. Two postcards with stamps: one with a candidate’s address, the other one with the address of the Dissertation Council the dissertation was defended in. On the back of the postcard with the address of the Council, in the upper left corner, the last name, first name and patronymic of a candidate and an academic degree he or she is applying for are stated;
  12. Photocopies of the citizen’s passport pages containing the applicant’s personal data (for a foreign citizen — with a notarized translation into one of the official languages ​​of the Republic of Belarus) (2 copies);
  13. A lever arch folder, two envelopes.


  • <*> In the case of repeated defense, it is necessary to indicate this in the application specifying the title of the dissertation, the specialty, the branch of science, the council code and the name of an organization under which the Dissertation Council conducting the dissertation defense was established.
  • <**> No abstract is required for a dissertation in the form of a research report.

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