The Belarusian Society of Geneticists and Breeders was established in 1966, immediately after the organization of the All-Union Society of Geneticists and Breeders named after N.I. Vavilov. Academician of the BSSR Academy of Sciences N.V. Turbin and Head of the Department of Theoretical Genetics of the Institute of Genetics and Cytology of the BSSR Academy of Sciences Professor P.F. Rokitsky took an active part in the establishment of the Society. On November 12, 1966, the founding meeting of the Society of Geneticists and Breeders was held, which united 109 people from 20 research institutions and universities of the republic.
The main task of the Society its founders saw as revival and development of various directions of genetics and breeding in the republic, improvement of scientific workers' qualification. It was planned to solve these problems through the organization of regular genetic seminar. The brainchild of N.V. Turbin and P.F. Rokitsky, the seminar gathered interested listeners from all corners of the country. N.V. Turbin and P.F. Rokitsky, being true enthusiasts of science, attracted similarly enthusiastic people, inspiring them to creativity and innovation. It was the time of liberation of scientific thought from political dogmas, the time of restoration of genetics in our country after the difficult period of Lysenko's "Middle Ages". Not only Russian but also foreign specialists were invited to give lectures on modern problems of genetic science.
Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR Piotr Fomich Rokitsky was elected the first President of BOGIS in 1966. Thanks to his personal ties, the interaction of Belarusian scientists with scientists from Russia and other republics of the former USSR was strengthened. At the invitation of P.F. Rokitsky, his old friends and colleagues, outstanding geneticists B.L. Astaurov, D.K. Belyaev, N.V. Timofeev-Ressovsky, S.M. Gershenzon, I.A. Rapoport, etc., came to Minsk with scientific reports. These ties of friendship did not weaken even after Piotr Fomich's retirement in 1977, when he was succeeded as President of BOGIS by Corresponding Member of the BSSR Academy of Sciences L.V. Khotylyova.
Piotr Fomich
Academician of the BSSR Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor,
headed the society from 1966 to 1977.
Lubov Vladimirovna
Academician of the BSSR Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor,
led the society from 1977 to 2007.
О быстром росте авторитета и активности БОГИС свидетельствуют сухие строки хроники. Так, в 1970 г. в обществе насчитывалось 154 человека и 5 коллективных членов (Институт генетики и цитологии, Институты земледелия и животноводства, Институт лесного хозяйства и Белорусская сельскохозяйственная академия). Состоялось 10 заседаний республиканского генетического семинара, на котором выступили не только белорусские ученые, но и доктор М. Захариас из ГДР; прочитано 200 научно-популярных лекций для населения; проведено III всесоюзное совещание по полиплоидии, собравшее 250 ученых из Москвы, Ленинграда, Киева, Новосибирска, Харькова, Душанбе.
В 1978 г. общество уже объединяло 378 человек и имело 15 отделений и секций при различных НИИ и вузах республики. Выдающимся событием этого года стал XIV Международный генетический конгресс в Москве. На нем была широко представлена белорусская наука: с докладами по различным проблемам генетики и селекции выступили ведущие ученые республики Л.В. Хотылева, Г.В. Красковский, А.Н. Палилова, В.К. Савченко, Г.И. Лазюк, Ю.К. Фомичев. Продолжил работу республиканский генетический семинар, состоялось 7 заседаний, в числе докладчиков были ученые из Киева и Кишинева. Большое внимание уделялось пропаганде генетических знаний, выступлениям на радио и телевидении. Поддерживались связи с учеными ГДР, Болгарии, Чехословакии.
Значимым и насыщенным яркими событиями стал для белорусских ученых и Белорусского общества генетиков и селекционеров 1992 год. В июне этого года состоялся VI съезд БОГИС, а в ноябре в Минске прошел VI съезд Всесоюзного общества генетиков и селекционеров (ВОГИС). Организаторами съезда выступили ВОГИС, БОГИС, Институт генетики и цитологии Академии наук Беларуси, Институт общей генетики им. Н.И. Вавилова Российской академии наук. В работе съезда приняли участие более 600 ученых из России, Беларуси, Украины, Молдовы, Литвы, Латвии, Эстонии, Казахстана, Туркменистана, Узбекистана, Польши. Научная программа съезда отразила современное состояние различных направлений генетики и селекции, развиваемых в странах СНГ и Балтии. На открытии съезда с приветствием к участникам и делегатам обратился президент Академии наук Беларуси академик Л.М. Сущеня, который в своем выступлении подчеркнул необходимость и важность сохранения и укрепления связей, сложившихся между учеными и научно-исследовательскими учреждениями в ходе многолетнего сотрудничества. Вся дальнейшая деятельность съезда подтвердила стремление генетиков и селекционеров к установлению творческих контактов, обмену научной информацией и объединению усилий, направленных на дальнейшее развитие генетической науки.
На пленарных заседаниях были заслушаны доклады академика АН Беларуси Л. В. Хотылёвой, чл.-корр. РАН С. Г. Инге-Вечтомова, академика РАСХН В.С. Шевелухи, чл.-корр. РАН Ю. П. Алтухова, академика РАН Ю.В. Ильина и чл.-корр. РАН Л.И. Корочкина, которые обобщили достижения и перспективы развития фундаментальных направлений генетики и селекции. Кроме двух пленарных
At the opening and closing sessions of the Congress, 30 symposia summarizing the results of research in the most diverse areas of genetics and breeding were held, with presentations by leading specialists from the CIS countries, the Baltic States and Poland. A poster session was held, where about 200 reports were presented in the following sections: general and molecular genetics, genetics and breeding of plants, genetics and breeding of animals, genetics and breeding of microorganisms, human genetics and medical genetics. The Congress summarized the results of the whole almost 30-year period of active fruitful activity of VOGIS, there was an atmosphere of creativity, mutual understanding and responsibility. Everyone realized that this was the last Congress of the All-Union Society of Geneticists and Breeders, which decided to terminate its existence due to the liquidation of the USSR.
The last Congress of the All-Union Society of Geneticists and Breeders became a new point of reference in the relations between geneticists and breeders of the former USSR. At the same time, their creative ties were not only not lost, but strengthened and enriched, creating new opportunities for unification and integration into the world scientific community. The Belarusian Society of Geneticists and Breeders played a significant role in this, and its scientific forums became a platform for meetings, communication, and scientific discussions.
In 2024, in accordance with Article 4 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus No. 251-3 of 14.02.2023 "On Amending the Laws on the Activities of Political Parties and Other Public Associations", the status of the Belarusian Society of Geneticists and Breeders was changed and the corresponding amendments were made to the Statute of the Society. In this connection the Public Association "Belarusian Society of Geneticists and Breeders" was renamed into the Public Association "Society of Geneticists and Breeders".
Today the Society of Geneticists is a representative scientific and public organization, which includes more than 300 scientists from 19 specialized scientific, breeding and educational institutions of the Republic of Belarus. The Society's activity is aimed at consolidation of geneticists and breeders of the Republic of Belarus through implementation of joint projects, organization of seminars and conferences, publication of collective works, as well as strengthening of international scientific contacts for effective development of scientific research on genetics and breeding problems.
Since 2007, the Society has been headed by Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus A.V. Kilchevsky. The four directions of the Society's activities are supervised by its Vice-Chairmen: Academician Grib S. I. Grib - plant genetics; Academician I. P. Sheiko - animal genetics; Doctor of Medical Sciences Makarin-Kib - animal genetics; Doctor of Medical Sciences Makarin-Kib. I. - plant genetics; Academician I.P. Sheiko - animal genetics; Doctor of Medical Sciences Makarina-Kibak L.E. - medical genetics; Doctor of Biological Sciences Maksimova N.P. - genetics teaching.
Alexander Vladimirovich
Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus,
doctor D. in Biology, Professor,
Chairman of the Society of geneticists and breeders
Stanislav Ivanovich
Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus,
Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor,
Curator of the Department of Plant Genetics
Ivan Pavlovich
Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus,
Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor,
Curator of the Animal Genetics Department
Ludmila Eduardovna
Curator of the Department of Medical Genetics
Natalia Pavlovna
Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor,
Curator of the "Teaching of Genetics" department
For questions on joining the Society of Geneticists and Breeders, please contact the Scientific Secretary of the Society Kubrak S. V., e-mail: (marked "joining the Society of Geneticists and Breeders"). V., e-mail: (with the note "joining the Society of Geneticists").
Svetlana Vladimirovna
Ph.D. in biology,
scientific secretary
Societies of Geneticists and Breeders
Elena Vladimirovna
Societies of geneticists and breeders