National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Tel.: + 375 17 378 18 56      E-mail:


The Laboratory was established in 1955 by Nikolay V. Turbin, the Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus and of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences. Since 1971, L.V. Khotyleva, the Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, was in charge of the Laboratory. Since 2007, it was headed by V.V. Titok, D.Sc. in Biology. Since 2010, after the structural reorganization, the Laboratory has been under the direction of A.V. Kilchevsky, the Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus.


Alexander V. KILCHEVSKY, Academician

Tel.: + 375 17 324 19 46



At present, the Laboratory’s staff consist of 21members. Among them, there are 2 D.Sc. (2 Academicians of NAS of Belarus), 7 PhD and 12 staff members without a scientific degree.

Main directions of scientific research:

  • Investigation into genetic bases for the formation of productivity, stability and quality of agricultural crops; development of marker-assisted selection methods for plants (tomato, pepper, eggplant, wheat, cabbage and lupine);
  • Investigation into molecular genetic and cytological bases for the formation and stabilization of recombinant genomes of cereals;
  • Oncogenomics: complex analysis of mutational and epigenetic variability of tumor diseases;
  • Investigation into genetic and biochemical processes associated with extended human life expectancy;
  • Identification of features related to microbiome composition and functioning for the purposes of medicine and food industry.

Main results:

The large-scale molecular genetic studies of gene polymorphism associated with economically valuable traits of vegetable crops of the Solanaceae family (carotenoid and anthocyanin accumulation, disease resistance, plant habitus and functional male sterility) have been conducted. Together with the specialists of the Belarusian State Agricultural Academy, varieties and hybrids of tomato (50) and sweet pepper (15) have been developed using classical and marker-assisted selection methods. Methodological Guidelines “Marker-assisted Selection Technology for Tomato Forms with High Biochemical and Technological Properties of Fruits” have been published and approved by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food that have been integrated into the activity of the Republican Centre for Genetic Marking and Certification of Plants, Animals, Microorganisms and Humans and are used for services in DNA typing of fruit quality genes and disease resistance of tomato specimens.

The specifics of the structure and expression of genes affecting grain quality indicators (accumulation of protein and minerals in grain, baking qualities) have been studied in wheat lines with the genetic material of related species. A positive effect of introgression of foreign genetic material on the nutritional value of wheat grain has been revealed. Introgressive lines with consistently high grain quality indicators have been identified and provided for the purposes of genetic research and practical use to the scientific and breeding institutions of Belarus, Russia and Tajikistan (Transfer Agreements of October 15, 2019; February 22, 2022; November 21, 2022; and January 31, 2023).

Using next-generation sequencing (NGS) and quantitative PCR, molecular genetic and epigenetic markers of the risk of recurrence and/or progression of a malignant tumor in patients with non-small cell lung cancer and colorectal cancer have been identified. Methodological Guidelines “DNA Technology for the DNA Testing of Patients with Oncopathologies” that are destined to detect molecular abnormalities in patients with oncopathologies with a view to predicting the course of the disease and adjusting the therapy algorithm have been developed and are used at the Republican Scientific and Practical Centre for Pediatric Oncology, Hematology and Immunology (the Practical Application Act of September 28, 2023).

Based on the genome-wide DNA analysis of newborns with periventricular leukomalacia, severe retinopathy and bronchopulmonary dysplasia, in collaboration with the State Educational Institution “Belarusian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education”, the Instructions for Use “A Method for Determining the Likelihood of Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia and Retinopathy Development in Premature Infants” have been developed and approved by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus (Registration No. 165-1220 of January 28, 2021). The method allows the timely identification of a risk group based on the development of complications during the perinatal period. It promotes personalized therapy, thereby leading to a reduction in the average length of stay in the anesthesiology and intensive care department from 13.4 to 10.6 bed days. It has been introduced into the clinical practice of a number of maternity hospitals in Belarus (the Implementation Acts of November 1, 2022; and of November 11, 2022).

The study of the genetic features of cholesterol and triglyceride metabolism in elderly people with excess body weight allowed establishing molecular genetic predictors of a predisposition to dyslipidemia in elderly people with excess and normal body weight. The Algorithm for determining the risk of dyslipidemia development in elderly people based on clinical laboratory and molecular genetic markers required for the development of new dyslipidemia prevention methods and lipid-lowering strategies, as well as medical rehabilitation of elderly patients, has been constructed.

Main publications (for the last 5 years):

  1. Babak, O., Nikitinskaya, T., Nekrashevich, N., Yatsevich, K., Kilchevsky, A. Identification of DNA Markers of Anthocyanin Biosynthesis Disorders Based on the Polymorphism of Anthocyanin 1 Tomato Ortholog Genes in Pepper and Eggplant // Crop Breed Genet. Genom. – 2020. – Vol. 2, No. 3. – P. e200011. 
  2. Orlovskaya, О., Dubovets, N., Solovey, L., Leonova, I. Molecular cytological analysis of alien introgressions in common wheat lines derived from the cross of Triticum aestivum with T. kiharae // BMC Plant Biology.  2020. – Vol. 20 (Suppl. 1): 201. 
  3. Kastyukevich, L. I., Romanova, O. N., Kolomiets, N. D., Mankevich, R. N., Nazarenko, O. N., Mikhalenko, E. P., Mazur, O. Ch., Kilchevsky, A. V. Genetic disorders in patients with colorectal lesions against the background of primary immunodeficiency // Clinical Pathophysiology. – 2021. – Vol. 27, No. 1. – P. 49-58.
  4. Baiko, S. V., Raikevich-Lyakhovskaya, O.V., Mikhalenko, E. P., Mazur, O. Ch., Shevchuk,  I. V. Schimke immuno-osseous dysplasia:  mini-review of literature, a clinical case series and management experience after kidney transplantation // Nephrology and Dialysis. – 2021. – Vol. 23(4). – P.539-550.
  5. Andreeva, I. N., Shulinsky, R. S., Mikhalenko, E. P., Baida, A. V., Kuznetsova, N. B., Kilchevsky, A. V. Studying the gut microbiome in people aged over 60 years // Molecular & Applied Genetics. – 2022.  Vol. 32.  P. 81-87.
  6. Fateev, D. A., Berensen, F. A., Artemyeva, A. M., Babak, O. G., Yatsevich, K. K., Drozd, E. V., Kilchevsky, A. V. Studying the polymorphism of the Myb114 gene in common cabbage (Brassica oleracea L.) cultivars in connection with the anthocyanin biosynthesis regulation based on comparison with the Myb factors of nightshade cultivars // Genetics. – 2023.  Vol. 59, No. 1.  P. 39-49.
  7. Orlovskaya, O.A., Vakula, S.I., Yatsevich, K.K., Khotyleva, L.V., Kilchevsky, A.V. Effect of NAM-1 genes on the protein content in grain and productivity indices in common wheat lines with foreign genetic material introgressions in the conditions of Belarus // Vavilov Journal of Genetics and Breeding – 2023. – Vol. 27(3). – P. 197-206.  
  8. Karpuk, N. A., Rubnikovich, S. P., Zhiltsov, I. V., Mazur, O. Ch., Karpuk, I. Yu., Mikhalenko, E. P. Somatic mutations in case of oral mucosa leukoplakia // The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine. – 2023. – Vol. 16, Issue 3. – P. 30-36. 
  9. Mikhalenko, E. P., Malysheva, O. M., Sakharov, I. V., Gordeeva, A. Yu., Artyushevskaya, M. V., Shostak,  V. A., Sushchevsky, A. V., Shishko, G. A., Kilchevsky, A. V. A clinical case of congenital alveolar capillary dysplasia: the use of high-throughput sequencing for diagnosis specification // Molecular & Applied Genetics. – 2022.  Vol. 32.  P. 64–72.


  1. Kilchevsky, A. V. Ecological Plant Breeding / A. V. Kilchevsky, L. V. Khotyleva; Institute of Genetics and Cytology of NAS of Belarus, Belarusian Agricultural Academy, Belarusian Society of Geneticists and Breeders. – Minsk: Technałohija, 1997. – 372 p.
  2. Smiryaev, A. V. Population and Quantitative Genetics: Textbook / A. V. Smiryaev, A. V. Kilchevsky; editor M. Pogosbekova; International  Association “Agroobrazovaniye”. – М.: Kolos, 2007. – 272 p.
  3. Genetic Basis of Heterosis / L. V. Khotyleva, A. V. Kilchevsky, M. N. Shapturenko, L. A.Тarutina, V. V. Titok. – Minsk: Belorusskaya Navuka, 2021. – 226 p.

Taking part in Scientific Conferences:

In the period 2019-2023, 70 reports were made at conferences, including 54 oral reports (35 in the Republic of Belarus and 19 abroad) and 16 poster reports (2 in the Republic of Belarus and 14 abroad).  

The research results were presented at symposia and conferences in Belarus, Russia, France, Italy, South Korea, Slovenia and Serbia.

Training of highly qualified scientific personnel:

At present, Academician A.V. Kilchevsky is a scientific advisor to 6 doctoral students and an academic supervisor of 4 PhD students; E.P. Mikhalenko, (PhD, a Lead Research Scientist) is an academic supervisor of 1 PhD student.

In the period 2019-2023, under the scientific supervision of Academician A.V. Kilchevsky, doctoral (1) and candidate of science (3) dissertations were defended. Under the supervision of the laboratory staff, 3 master’s dissertations and 13 diploma theses of the students of the Belarusian State University and the Belarusian State Technological University were prepared. At present, the scientific training of 1 master’s student and work on 3 diploma theses of students of the Belarusian State University are underway.

Awards, grants:

For fruitful scientific work, national and international awards have been granted to the Laboratory personnel:

  • A.V. Kilchevsky, Academician, Head of the Laboratory,— the Silver Medal of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus For Achievements in Science (2020); a Laureate of the Eurasian International Award (2020); the Certificate of Merit of the International Association of Academies of Sciences (2022); a Laureate of the Union State Prize in Science and Technology (2023);
  • L.V. Khotyleva, Academician, Chief Research Scientist,— the Badge of Honour “Academician Vavilov Medal” (2022); Ignatovsky Badge of Merit (2023);
  • O.A. Orlovskaya, Deputy Head of the Laboratory, PhD in Biology, — the Certificate of Acknowledgement issued by the Chairperson of the Presidium of NAS of Belarus (2020); Certificate of Merit of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (2023);
  • E.P. Mikhalenko, Lead Research Scientist, PhD in Biology, — the Certificate of Acknowledgement of the Institute of Genetics and Cytology, NAS of Belarus (2020); the Certificate of Merit of the Department of Biological Sciences, NAS of Belarus (2023);
  • A.N. Shchayuk, Senior Research Scientist, PhD in Biology, — the Academician V.F. Kuprevich Prize to Young Scientists (2019); the Certificate of Acknowledgement issued by the Chairperson of NAS of Belarus (2024);
  • O.G. Babak, Lead Research Scientist, PhD in Biology (2023); and S.V. Kubrak, Lead Research Scientist, PhD in Biology (2023), — the Certificate of Merit of the Department of Biological Sciences, NAS of Belarus;
  • N.V. Anisimova, Senior Research Scientist, PhD (2020); S.V. Kubrak, Senior Research Scientist, PhD (2020); and N.V. Savina, Research Scientist (2023), — the Certificate of Merit of the Institute of Genetics and Cytology, NAS of Belarus.
  • The Chairperson of the Presidium, NAS of Belarus, has awarded the Certificate of Acknowledgement to the team of authors for their contribution to demographic safety: E.P. Mikhalenko, PhD in Biology; O.M. Malysheva, PhD in Biology; and A.P. Sukhareva, PhD in Biology (2023).
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